Regular attendance is essential for growth in therapy.


COVID-19 Policy

Communication Connections is taking all the necessary precautions to continue to monitor and ensure the safety and well-being of our clients, families and therapist.  The following precautions will be set in place until further notice:

  • Sessions will end a few minutes early in order for cleaning and disinfecting between each client.

  • If your child or anyone in your family is ill with ANY symptom, the child will not be seen in the office.  This includes runny noses, allergies, headaches, fevers, cough, etc.  The therapist has the right to refuse therapy if any illness is suspected.

  • If anyone in your family has been exposed to COVID-19, you will not bring your child for two weeks and they are asymptomatic.

  • Parents/Guardian will sign a consent form indicating they acknowledge the risk of returning to face to face therapy sessions.

  • Masks are not required but will be worn by therapist if requested by family. Please keep in mind that masks may impede a patient’s ability to see and hear speech and language cues.

  • Office will be cleaned daily.

Cancellation Policy

  • You will not be billed if you cancel the day of therapy. Illness cannot be predicted. Please call your Speech-Language Pathologist at least two hours prior to the start of the session to cancel.

  • If you are not home or do not show for a scheduled appointment, you will be charged for that session at the regular fee rate.

  • Please make sure you give your Speech-Language Pathologist as much notice as possible for a cancellation.

  • Sessions will end at the scheduled time even if they are started later. If it is the fault of your Speech-Language Pathologist, the fee will be adjusted if they are unable to extend the therapy session. If you are late for your session, the fee will not be adjusted and you will be billed per your regular fee rate.

  • If you are going to be late for a session, please call your Speech-Language Pathologist to let her know. If you are late without a phone call for three (3) sessions, service may be terminated. Clients who are 15 or more minutes late for three (3) or more sessions a month will be subject to a $25 charge OR possible termination of services.

  • Multiple Cancellations Policy: Therapy sessions canceled five (5) or more times, regardless of the reason, during a three-month period are subject to a charge of the regular therapy rate.

  • There will be a charge of $20.00 for 15-minute increments of any written documents for insurance or other companies related to the client's program. You will be informed of the cost of writing or editing these documents prior to the task. Please remember that it is your responsibility to check with your insurance on what are acceptable codes covered by your benefits plan.

Other Policies

  • We truly enjoy talking with you but need time between clients for therapy preparation, writing reports, or eating lunch. You are welcome to email your Speech Language Pathologist and she will do her best to respond during normal business hours and within 24 hours Monday-Friday.

  • We make every attempt to establish good working relationships with our client’s school and doctor. If you would like our attendance at a staffing for your child, please make your request two weeks in advance so that an updated status of review can be prepared. You will be asked to fill out a Consent Form prior to the staffing.

  • Snow Policy: Our office does not automatically follow any school closings. Contact your Speech-Language Pathologist to cancel a session due to driving conditions or to confirm she is in the office. Your Speech-Language Pathologist will notify their clients if they decide to cancel due to driving conditions so please check your email. Rescheduling when possible is appreciated.